Friday, 19 June 2015

Dylan de Blaquiere
Flinders University

South Australia

Indoor volleyball is a fast paced sport that involves many biomechanically rich movements. The Olympic audience loves the sport because of its tight scores, smash hits and perfect teamwork (Tang, 2013). The volleyball spike is an attacking movement that uses force generated from the body to give the projectile (the volleyball) a high velocity. Ball velocity along with accuracy, spin, a high point of contact and angle are key elements of an optimal volleyball spike.

The primary movement involved in a volleyball spike is an overarm movement. Overarm movement is an essential skill in a range of different sport games such as tennis, baseball, water polo and American football. Overarm techniques differ for throwing or hitting because of rules, ball size, weight and strategies (Wagner et al. 2012). The most dangerous offence in volleyball is a powerful spike, which is also one of the most complicated skills in sports (Plawinski, 2008). The optimal technique is to hit the ball with a high point of contact with the palm of your hand whilst snapping the wrist to generate topspin.

Before continuing reading, please click the link below to watch the volleyball spike in slow motion to grasp an understanding of the correct technique.

Video 1:

Biomechanics represent the science behind sports involving laws and principles to improve skills and prevent injury. To categorise the movement, the spiking action is identified in four key components; the approach, the take off, the arm swing and the hit/follow through. Figure 1 identifies the complex biomechanical movements involved in a volleyball spike.  

Figure 1

Source: USA Volleyball (2015).

The Approach

The approach phase refers to the step sequence of the athlete from the beginning of the run up to right before take off. This stage is critical as it is the first stage of force production to gain momentum for the jump. Momentum is the product of mass off the player multiplied by the velocity of the approach (p= mv) (Blazevich, 2012).

The optimal run up for a volleyball spike is three steps at four meters per second with a two-feet take-off (Tang, 2013). Run up steps can vary with preference although three steps is ideal. The jump should be side-on with the leading foot forward so the body can have a large range of motion as it opens up for the swing. This approach enables the spiker to gain horizontal momentum, which must be converted into vertical momentum through subsequent flight (Forthomme et al. 2005). As the momentum of the body builds up kinetic energy it must transfer into potential energy by keeping the body moving. If the body slows down it will lose kinetic energy which will consequent in a smaller jump height (Blazevich, 2012).

This is regarded as the optimal approach to a volleyball swing although there is the one-step take off that can also be used. The one step jump can generate a higher point of contact and is used in some striking attacks such as quick plays. It is difficult to maintain balance and timing using this approach, which is why the conventional two-step method is ideal for the majority of spiking. Jumping off one foot also makes it more difficult to control the landing without touching the net.

The final stage of the run up is a squat, to prepare for the jump. At this stage the centre of mass gradually lowers down to create a force acting on the ground, which equals to the force acting on the body (Newtons 3rd Law)(Blazevich, 2012). The momentum from the run up in conjunction with the vertical force from the push of the legs toward the ground creates a summation of forces to propel the player upward and forward.

As the ball is in flight the brain subliminally interprets external factors to help with the timing of the run up to optimally hit the ball with a late approach and a fast swing. The brain uses the equation (Velocity = Distance/Time) to estimate the timing needed for the approach (Blazevich, 2012).

Take Off

The vertical jump allows the player to contact the ball overhead at the highest possible point of the jump. This creates the opportunity to strike the volleyball down into the court on the opposite side of the net (Briner & Kacmar, 1997).  This is the crucial stage where the horizontal momentum from the approach is converted into vertical momentum.

Depending on strength, flexibility and coordination, effectiveness of volleyball spikes has been credited to energy transfer in a kinetic chain concept from the lower limb to the upper extremity (Forthomme et al. 2005). During this process as the athlete is jumping, the upper body is moving upwards and the centre of mass is moving downwards which causes the upper body to momentarily remain stationary and “hang” (Blazevich, 2012).

At the moment of take-off, the action time is short so conservation of momentum is achieved. The following equation can be derived from the Conservation Law of Momentum (Fd = mv) (Forthomme et al. 2005). As the player jumps, Newtons 3rd law comes into the equation as the action of forces are mutual and the force acting on the ground is equal to the force acting on the human body (Tang, 2013).

Arm Swing

The arm swing phase occurs when the player is in flight right before they make contact with the ball. This stage is one of the most important stages because it prepares the body for the hit using the force and momentum that has been generated.

This is a vital stage of the skill, which comprises of three phases; back swing phase, turn swing phase and the forward swing phase. The backswing is the initial phase that has a leading back swing during take off and a pulling back action similar to an archer pulling back an arrow. This is initiated by the pull of elbow and the wrist simultaneously. During the turn-swing phase the trunk of the athlete turns which allows for a greater range of motion as the arm naturally goes to the upside down V position. The swing phase the elbow straightens until the ball is hit by the upward extended hand, which is slightly in front of the shoulder for optimal range of motion and forward momentum as the ball is struck (Lintner, Noonan & Kibler, 2008). This description is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2

Source: Learn Volleyball Skills, (2015)

The athlete transfers power to the ball using Newton’s 3rd law of motion action and reaction force and the conservation of angular momentum (Tang, 2013). As the athlete’s arms are moving downward (clockwise) through the spike the legs move upward (anti-clockwise) which is noticeable because they have a greater inertia (Blazevich, 2012). This is identified in Figure 1 toward the end of the sequence and also in the videos that have been displayed. This process occurs to maintain constant momentum. The Law of Conservation of Momentum below indicates that momentum remains in the system unless external forces such as gravity and air resistance act upon it.

The total angular momentum of a system remains constant unless external forces influence the system.

(Blazevich, 2012).

Hit and Follow Through

To create a powerful spike the athlete must transfer the force that has been generated in the body from the approach and the arm swing. Ball velocity and accuracy are two key factors in a successful spike. The moment of force (torque) is also important as it influences the spin on the ball, which plays a big part in ball placement (Blazevich, 2012). Torque is identified by the following equation.

Torque = Inertia x Angular Acceleration

Momentum is equal to the force applied on the ball multiplied by time the force is in which the force is applied (Blazevich, 2012). This identifies that the shorter amount of time the hand is in contact with the ball, the greater the force will be on the ball. The athlete uses core muscles from the trunk and shoulder rotation to transfer power into the hit, as seen in Video 1.

The Magnus Effect refers to spin and air resistance that influence the direction that the ball can go. Elite players must take this into consideration and hit the ball with a snapping wrist action to generate topspin on the ball. This will ensure the player can hit the ball with maximum force and the ball will dip down into the court. There is a follow through action so there is no momentum lost during the hit.

The follow through is an equally important process to land correctly and prevent injury or a foul. A correct follow through process is also crucial to prepare for the next spike, as it is a very fast-paced game.

It should be noted that there is also a roll shot spike which is a less aggressive and more strategic spike that involves the same biomechanical principles although with less speed and more control. 

The Answer - How to Maximise These Effects and Perform an Optimal Spike

There are a lot of factors that influence the volleyball spike. Height and arm length are two major biological factors that influence a successful spike. The higher the point of contact is on the ball the more angular opportunity there is to hit the ball into the court. Long levers (arms) create an advantage because they can achieve a higher angular velocity, as there is a greater distance between the axis of rotation and the point of contact.

The optimal technique has been discussed in depth with biomechanical laws and principles to reinforce the understanding. The approach of a three step, two foot jump is optimal to generate maximum force. This approach with a high jump and a strong-arm swing further generates momentum. The wrist must snap when making contact with the ball to generate topspin so it can dip and land inside the court. This is also essential to beat the oppositions defence block. With a lot of force and no wrist snap the ball is likely to go out of court and be unsuccessful. A highly skilled attacker spikes on average 40,000 times per year, so technique is critical to maintain consistency and prevent injury (Forthomme, 2013). 

Optimally, an athlete with a low mass and strong lower legs will result in a higher jump. Newton’s laws state that the lower the mass then the less force is needed to lift the body from the ground. A tall athlete with long limbs, a low body mass in conjunction with a high jump, good fitness and a good technique will be a highly efficient volleyball attacker.

Here is a video of professional athlete Denis Kaliberda spiking, to show you how effective a spike can be.

Video 2 

How else we can use his Information?

To achieve maximum velocity and make the spike forceful, there are technical essentials for the lower limb movement in the process of arm-swing based on the conservation law of momentum (Tang, 2013). The waist, abdomen and lower limbs must generate force with the upper limbs at the same time to form a radian so the upper limbs can generate a greater force. These principals are also used in many other sports that involve jumping and overarm movements. Vertical leaps are used in a range of sports such as basketball, football and netball. Principals that relate to angular velocity and torque are used in all sports that use levers and overarm movements such as baseball, tennis, American football and badminton. The Magnus effect can also relate to any sport that involves a ball such as golf and tennis. The volleyball spike uses a combination of elements that directly relate to numerous other sports and movements. It is a complex skill that requires a disciplined technique in order to become successful.


Blazevich, A. (2012). Sports biomechanics the basics – optimising human performance. London. A&C Black.

Briner W., Kacmar L. (1997). Common injuries in volleyball: mechanisms of injury, prevention and rehabilitation. The American journal of Sports Medicine, 24. 65–71.

Forthomme, B., Croiser, J., Ciccarone, G., Crielaard, J. & Coles, M. (2005). Factors correlated with volleyball spike velocity. The American journal of sports medicine, 33(10), 1513-1519. DOI: 10.1177/0363546505274935

Learn Volleyball Skills, (2015). Volleyball hitting techniques. Retrieved from

Lintner, D., Noonan, T.J., Kibler, W.B., (2008). Injury patterns and biomechanics of the athlete’s shoulder. Clinical Sports Journal of Medicine, 27(4), 527-551.

Plawinski, M.P., (2008). An Analysis of the Different Spike Attack Arm Swings Used in Elite Levels of Men’s Volleyball. Kingston, Ontario, Canada: Queen’s University.

Tang, D. (2013). A study of key technical factors of volleyball spike based on the biomechanic analysis. Information Technology Journal, 12(19), 5166 – 5171. DOI: 10.3923/itj.2013.5166.5171

USA Volleyball (2015). The volleyball spike. Retrieved from

Wagner, H., Pfusterschmied, J., Tilp, M., Landlinger, J., von Duvillard, S. P., Muller, E. (2012). Upper-body kinetics in team handball throw, tennis serve and volleyball spike. Journal of medicine and science in sports, 24(2), 345-354. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2012.01503.x

Youtube Australia, (2015). Epic volleyball spike: Denis Kaliberda. Retrieved from

Youtube Australia, (2015). How to spike a volleyball in slow motion. Retrieved from:

1 comment:

  1. muy buena información para jóvenes y amantes de los juegos.
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